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Cold Storages

Potato Storage

We are the manufacturers of Potato cold storages using latest international technologies such as Liquid Over feed system, fin coils air handling units, Energy recovery wheels etc.

We provide complete turnkey solutions for cold storages i.e Insulation of ware house, complete plant and machinery, Insulated doors and windows, mezzanine flooring exactly as per NHM norms.

Grocery Store

Shakti offer complete cold storage for grocery items both in civil and prefab structure type systems.

All grocery items can be stored under controlled temperature and humidity conditions in these cold storages that are free from rodents and pests etc.

Onion Storage

Shakti offers low humidity cold storage both in civil as well as prefab structure for storage of onion. Special hot and cold cooling units are provided in each chamber to maintain low humidity and temperature levels.

Fruits And Vegetable Storage

We offer high humidity cold storage for fresh fruits and vegetables. Special evaporator coils are fitted in storage chambers to maintain the required temperature and humidity levels.